The use of composites is becoming more and more widespread, and whilst industries like the aviation, automotive and renewable energy sectors are leading the way with extensive composite use projected to grow for the coming years, the agriculture and rural development market is also realising the benefits that reinforced carbon fibre and glass-reinforced plastic (GRP) could bring to their farm machinery and vehicles. The use of composite covers is set to increase in the agriculture market with composite product demand growing worldwide.
Our expertise across a variety of specialist sectors makes us the perfect partner for the design and manufacture of composite covers for the farm machinery and vehicles integral to your business. We offer a single source solution to your development needs, and can even fabricate custom products to satisfy your unique requirements. As a specialist in composite construction we have the expertise and equipment to develop a range of reinforced products for the agriculture sector, and provide a unique insight into specific areas to ensure we can overcome the fabrication issues that are commonly encountered whilst selecting the best method and material for your application.
To discuss your project requirements and find the agricultural composites that work for you Contact us today